
Nate's Arch Install Script

What it does

This script helps you to setup a fully encrypted arch-setup with two-factor authentification using a usb drive and a passphrase.

It also installes my dotfiles, the programs I usually use, my latest dwl build and my wayland programs (such as dmenu-wl, wlock, dbar, etc.).

How to use it

Just download the latest arch-iso. Then execute the following lines to start the install script:

$ curl https://git.nathanreiner.xyz/nais/~raw/master/nais > nais
$ chmod +x ./nais
$ ./nais

Then you will get a dialog driven installer interface, which will ask you for the following:

  1. Root Drive
  2. Key USB Drive
  3. Username and Password (the password is also used to encrypt the boot partition)
  4. Your Time Zone
  5. Your Locale
  6. The Hostname

Then select the Install option to bootstrap the entire system. If there are no errors your system will be ready to use.