BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masteradd simple authentification for http sitesNathan Reiner2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-01-28add simple authentification for http sitesHEADmasterNathan Reiner
2023-01-28add download capabilityNathan Reiner
2023-01-28add searchNathan Reiner
2023-01-28fix window attach xembed for popups and menusNathan Reiner
2023-01-28set search engine to my instanceNathan Reiner
2023-01-27fix stupid typoNathan Reiner
2023-01-27change searx instanceNathan Reiner
2023-01-27make spawn new window when requestedNathan Reiner
2023-01-27do not exit if clean does exit with errorNathan Reiner
2023-01-27move smooth scrolling to environmentNathan Reiner